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Speedtest page background

Is your internet up to speed?

This tool will help you understand what sort of speeds you're achieving by transferring data from a server inside the Pentanet network to your device, measuring the transfer speeds.

Testing the speeds which your service and equipment can achieve is a useful diagnostic step when troubleshooting issues. The test will transfer data from a server inside the Pentanet network to your device while analyzing several aspects of your internet connection like download speed, upload speed, ping (latency), and jitter (instability).

To test your service speed, start by making a selection below.


👋 Running into issues or just have more questions? We're here to help!
Get in touch with our local friendly support team, or view our troubleshooting articles.

Ethernet Wi-Fi

Speed test over EthernetWi-Fi

Did you know? Testing speeds over an Ethernet connection will generally provide a more accurate reflection of the actual speeds being delivered to you, as the variability of Wi-Fi is eliminated as a factor in the test.

Did you know? Wi-Fi can be affected by many different factors - not just the distance to your device, but also hidden interference from nearby Wi-Fi networks or devices.

Because of these additional factors, testing the speed of your service over Wi-Fi can show an incomplete picture, and we recommend also testing your service using a cabled-in device.

To begin the speed test, click the button below.

Ethernet Wi-Fi

Speed test over EthernetWi-Fi

Ping: 0.00
Jitter: 0.00
Ethernet Wi-Fi

EthernetWi-Fi Test Results

Tested on:
Download: 0.00
Upload: 0.00
Ping: 0.00
Jitter: 0.00
Are you getting the performance you pay for?

There are many factors that can affect your service, so if you're not happy with the results - let's chat! Our specialist team can take a look at the services available at your home or business and let you know how your internet service should be performing.