When your internet isn’t performing the way it should, there’s a process to follow to work out how to fix it and who can help! Your ISP is responsible for delivering internet to your premises. Delivering it around your home or business needs the right internal setup. Here are some things to note when you’re trying to work out who can help and when to call them!
So many things can affect how the internet behaves while you’re using it. From your neighbour’s Wi-Fi interference to your device’s streaming settings, not getting those superfast speeds can be frustrating to say the least!
When your internet isn’t performing the way you expect, the natural reaction for a lot of us is to jump on the phone to the internet service provider (ISP).
Team Pentanet are always happy to help (of course!), but often our support team are limited in what we’re able to troubleshoot with you. The lines between internet service and information technology at home or business can be blurry, so let’s break it down and take a look.
Hello internet, come on in!
Where the internet service enters your premises is usually called the ‘demarcation point’, and it will differ depending on the type of internet at your place:
NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN):
The first phone socket in sequence from where the lead in enters your premises
NBN Fibre to the Curb (FTTC):
The NBN Network Connection Device (NCD)
NBN HFC and NBN Fibre to the Premise (FTTP):
The NBN Network Connection Device (NCD)
OptiComm FTTP/HFC:
Internal ONU (usually in a garage) or Cable/Coaxial modem or Internal data point
Pentanet Fixed Wireless:
The ethernet port your antenna is connected to within your home
It’s important to know where this point is, so you can perform the right tests as stage one of the troubleshooting process.
Straight to the source
To get started, you’ll want to test your internet connection as close as possible to one of these demarcation points. Isolating the testing at the source gives your ISP the most accurate results, so we know how to help you. How to perform a direct PPPoE speed test.
Handy hint! Team Pentanet will normally ask you to perform this test and send us the results, so it really helps if you’re one step ahead and perform this test before getting in touch!
If the direct test shows your internet is performing as expected, many ISPs will tell you that’s where their responsibility ends and you’re on your own. Ouch 😟 When you’re a Pentanet customer, we’re happy to help you to understand the results so we can move forward with the next stage of testing.
Why oh Wi-Fi!
A common factor for internet woes is Wi-Fi. We see it again and again, and TBH it’s kinda hard for us to troubleshoot in depth with you over the phone – especially if you’ve chosen to bring your own modem/router instead of using one supplied by your ISP.
If your direct speed test looks normal, the next step is to connect a computer directly to your modem/router with an ethernet cable. We recommend having a few cables on hand, so you can rule out faulty cables too.
Everything looking good when connected via ethernet? Great news for you, but not so great for your modem/router. If your speeds drop dramatically or your connection is inconsistent when connected to the internet via Wi-Fi, you may want to test again with a different device that’s compatible with your service. A substandard or aging router can have a substantial impact on your internet connectivity, and may not be able to provide the speeds you're paying for. We always recommend one of the routers our tech-geeks have picked out specifically for our plans. Want to learn more about them? Read everything you'd need to know right here.
Need more info to test your Pentanet connection? Search our Help Centre!
The Cable Guy
Inadequate cabling can cause all sorts of headaches in your home and business, so if you’ve ruled out direct service issues and have tested your modem/router as above, it’s probably time to get some professional help.
We recommend avoiding anyone who looks like this:
But, there are some great local companies in WA who are only too happy to help.
Once you’ve confirmed the internet is being delivered as expected to the demarcation point, that’s technically where the ISP’s role ends. Your ISP should be happy to offer suggestions for devices that improve your internet experience, but you might want to speak with an IT professional if you’re experiencing ongoing issues.
When you’re with Pentanet, you’re never on your own! 👍 It’s one of the benefits of having a 100% WA local support team of internet lovers – we want you to have the best experience too. No overseas call centres, no time difference. Just local people who are happy to help.
If your ISP is giving you the run around, it might be time to consider making a change. We’re here when you’re ready – let’s chat!